Taking stock

One Off Session

Get some professional help with your own health and lifestyle, with a one off 90-minute session with a registered Nutritional Therapist.

Got questions that you’d really like help with? 

Wanting to go to the next level after on-line advice ? 

Often when someone has been making changes to their diet, maybe following a particular advice, it brings up many questions and uncertainties.  It can be good to talk through this with a professional and make decisions on the best way forward, personalising your approach further.

You’ve heard you should be taking supplements but don’t know which ones to take? Have you been reacting to foods that are supposed to be good for you? Do you want to have an in-depth discussion of your functional tests?  or need further explanation on how you control your blood sugar?   Or would you just like some human support to understand your next steps to better health?

Initially I would always have a conversation with you to understand what you would like to address.  This exploratory call gives us a chance to talk before you commit, ensuring my therapy would be a good fit to your needs. 

There could be a variety of reasons you are seeking help from a qualified Nutritionist here’s 3 examples

  • You may have started taking various supplements and are really unsure if they are helping or if they are safe long term.  Have you considered there may be contraindicated with your medicines.  It can be useful to review these and that’s something that can be done in this session.
  • Ever wondered if you have enough protein in your diet or enough Calcium? You may want to look at the nutritional value of your diet by recording a accurate 3 day food diary I can analyse and help you understand what this means for youI can then make suggestions to how you can change your diet or weather supplements might be required.
  • You may have worked with me previously and would like a review, you might have had some test results or change in circumstances or just want advice on you supplements

How will it work?

After discussing what you’d like to achieve from the session we will book the session either face to face or online

  • I will ask you to fill out my questionnaire directing you to provide certain information appropriate to your situation, e.g. an accurate food diary if analysis is required
  • We will meet up and go through the information and I will discuss with you my thoughts and make suggestions. 
  • I will send you a summary of what we have discussed with appropriate resources. 
  • What does it include
    • Includes 1 face to face or online 90 minute consultation  (this can be split if required)
    • Summary of notes after the session
    • 20% discount on recommended supplements*
    • Opportunity to upgrade to a 3 month support package £250 (3 x 60minute sessions)

* purchased on www.naturaldispensary and dependant on minimum 6-monthly reviews

NB. Please ask for Terms and Conditions
